Sunday, August 22, 2010

What is the best way to remove Acrylic nails?

Acetone dips, nail wraps...

What is the best way to remove them without going to a nail salon??What is the best way to remove Acrylic nails?
Acetone is the best way I guess. It seems to take forever, and it damages them nomatter what, but just do not bite or rip them, that peels the nail layers away!What is the best way to remove Acrylic nails?
100% pure acetone. Don't buy the stuff that says ';Nail Polish Remover';, the bottle must say 100% acetone or just ACETONE. The other stuff isn't strong enough to remove the acrylic. Pour some in a bowl and let your fingers soak in it for 30 min. The acrylic will slowly soften and dissolve away. It takes a while, though. And I don't recommend soaking for a bit and then filing the rest of the acrylic off. Your nails are already weak from having the fake nails on to begin with. Rubbing a file over your nail to get the rest of the acrylic off will just make them weaker. As the acrylic dissolves, use your fingertips to gently scrape it off as it softens. Once it's ALL gone, use a file very very gently to remove the residue, then a buffing pad to smooth out the nail bed.
uhhmmm wat i do is when my nails look like they need a fill i just bit my acrylics off.thats wat works for me but if you juss got them on,try acetone
its takes FOREVER using acetone

try anything other than acetone

it will alsop ruin ur nails
go to a construction site and use the jackhammer
Soak them in acetone for about 30 minutes. Then use a nail file and file the WHOLE nail, then keep soaking and filing.
soak in warm water/ acetone
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