Friday, August 20, 2010

What is the best way to take off acrylic nails?

I want to take off my nails, but i don't want it to be painful

if anyone knows a way please tell meWhat is the best way to take off acrylic nails?
You can buy a little round tub (less than $5) and you put your fingers in there and you just twist it and it like scratches it off. Does NOT hurt! Or you can get a bowl and put some nail polish remover that says for acrylic nail removal or something along those lines and soak your fingers in there and every now and then rub it with a napkin so you get the top layer off.What is the best way to take off acrylic nails?
Soak them in Nail Polish Remover with Acetone :);鈥?/a>
soaking them in pure acetone for at least 30 minutes usually longer it really softens them up but dries out your hands really bad!!
soak them in acetone for about 30 mins
soak them in HOT water be careful not to burn urself
soak them in acetone till they soften, and lift them off
  • lips
  • moisturizer cream
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